Can storytelling spark change? Using Art to Reimagine our Histories & Futures
Clan of Saint Bay 2 by Raf Salazar, coming in March 2018
With narratives in our country constantly changing, how do we use the stories of our ancestors and communities to make our own spaces?
“I will be a writer and make all of you live again in my words.”
Storytelling has the incredible power of allowing us to Reimagine our Histories and Reimagine our Futures. We don't just see it in the compelling TFC teleseryes, but also in the epic chants of our tribal elders, and the intricate hand movements of Igal and Pangalay dances. They all tell incredible stories of our origins and the land around us.
Lake Sebu, photo by Kim Arteche
Tawi Tawi, photo by Kim Arteche
As diasporic Filipinos, we are constantly re-learning how to use different art forms to tell the stories of our immigration, our trauma, our resilience, and our strength. Just like these contemporary indigenous groups, we are empowered when we speak our truths.
At the same time, many of our stories get lost: through travel, misinterpretation, or through family mysteries or secrets. What stories have you been able to uncover? What narratives have been challenging to unearth? What responsibilities do we have to our families and communities when telling their stories, and where can we take creative license?
How can we radically reimagine these narratives, giving us a sense of empowerment while we re-place, re-write, and re-frame our stories? Can telling our stories spark change?
From “Primitive Nostalgia” by Caroline Garcia, 2014.
Kularts' packed Spring 2019 Season is carefully curated with these questions in mind. While it is important that as a community, we hear and experience the stories and journeys of other Filipinx artists, we ask that you reflect and join us in dialogue as well. What is your journey in understanding your story? Save the date for these incredible performances, readings, talkbacks, and panel discussions.
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”